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To Make Disciples- Matthew 28:19

Through Pentecostal worship experiences, we present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all mankind, with power through love, compelling all to come into the full knowledge of who Jesus is and the witness of His sovereignty, being fishers of men, fulfilling the great commission to save souls and the birthing of living epistles of Christ.

Produce Kingdom Citizens- Jeremiah 32:38-41

By teaching the principles of the Kingdom, according to the Word of God in tithing, sowing/giving, nurturing, providing worship, praise and adoration unto our true and living King, being the heart of God and reaching for the heart of God in efforts to producing like minded examples of kingdom citizens obtaining authority through Christ.

Provide a "New Beginning" in Christ- Corinthians 5:17

By being a beacon of resources to families, communities and nations at large through missions and evangelism, with a message to provide an unfailing hope in Christ, acknowledging Him as the author and finisher of our faith.

Our Vision

Our Motto

"The Old is Over & the New is yet to Come"!

Our Senior Pastor

Prophet Malik L. McFarley

Prophet Malik McFarley was born on April 2nd 1991. He was raised and groomed in the admonition of the Lord by his grandmothers and many prominent leaders in ministry abroad in the field of the Gospel. Because of these many powerful impartations and mantles surrounding him, the Lord had a strategic and specific plan for his life to do great things and exploits. In 2005, God called Prophet McFarley to preach the gospel at the tender age of 14 years old.

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